White Vermouth Kruit
Snappy alternative to aperitifs and digestives

Of course vermouth, a fortified wine flavoured with plants and herbs, is a must-have on our menus.
White Kruit is a vermouth based on a white wine sourced in the Sierra Alta, Catalunya Spain, with 14 Mediterranean botanicals. The nose has a strong bouquet of clary sage and calamus, with notes of marjoram, rosemary and eucalyptus. The palate begins slightly sweet and sour, well rounded and complex. Bitters of 3 different alsems (mugwort, Southern wood and absinth) and umami of wild mushrooms are leaving a long, soft and bittersweet aftertaste.
And as you have undoubtedly guessed, we are mainly inspired by what we find along the urban roadside. The right mix of herbs and weeds from the city will guarantee a perfectly seasoned tasting experience right down to the very last drop.